CHRISTOPHE CANATO - 04 24 46 79 68 -
Artist in photo media, French-Australian - lives and works in Perth Western Australia since 2005.
Christophe Canato grew up in an artist family environment where his father was a painter. As an early drawer and painter himself, he successfully entered the Beaux-Arts school at seventeen years of age.
Based in Paris, his early work explored new concepts and interpretations of the photographic medium. He then used triptychs and diptychs, image/text combinations, unexpected supports, frames or back-lit boxes to perform mechanisms such as synesthesia phenomenon.
Since he relocated to Perth, Australia in 2005, his photography has radically evolved to a more traditional approach to the medium. His photo media disciplinary approach includes photography and, more recently, videography.
In search for his identity, Christophe Canato's work investigates identity, masculinity, and societal expectations including codes and roles through photography and mixed media.
1993 Specialist Master Degree in Fashion Management, IFM Institut Français de la Mode, (Fashion French Institute), Paris Fr.
1989 Beaux-Arts, DNSEP: Diplôme National Supérieur Expression Plastique (comparable to a Post-graduation in Visual Art), Grenoble Fr.
1985 Bachelor of Visual Art, Beaux-Arts, Grenoble Fr.
2024 Intrinsèque (City of Perth commission) - Perth Council House. Perth WA.
2024 Nexus - Rockingham Art Centre. Rockingham WA.
2022 Anima & Malapropism - Alliance Française de Perth. Perth WA.
2020 Anima - Perth Centre for Photography, Perth WA.
2017 Ricochet - Galerie Basia Embiricos. Paris Fr.
2016 Ricochet - Turner Galleries. Perth WA.
2016 Ricochet - M1 Singapore Fringe Festival. Singapore.
2014 Ricochet - Curated by Tahlia Jolly, Anna Pappas Gallery. Melbourne Vic.
2014 Ricochet - Queensland Centre for Photography. Brisbane Qld.
2011 Ragamuffins & Hunting Trophies Vol1 - Voici-Voilà Studio, Paris Fr.
2010 Ragamuffins - Perth Centre for Photography, Perth WA.
2009 Hunting Trophies, Vol1. - Curated by Jasmin Stephens, Fremantle Art centre. Fremantle WA.
2008 A Family Sunday - Fotofreo Fringe. Perth WA.
2007 Crie! - Perth Town Hall. Perth WA.
2006 Corpus Emulsion - Curated by Marcus Canning, Artrage Festival. Perth WA.
1999 Pièces à Conviction - Curated by Gérome Rapanello, Gallerie 2 Pièce-Cuisine. Paris Fr.
1999 Pièces à Conviction - Franck et Fils Art Space, LVMH. Paris Fr.
1999 Retrospective - Centre Culturel Georges Brassens. Champs sur Marne Fr.
1998 De l’Image Aux Sens (synesthesia) - Duplex Bar d’Art. Paris, Fr.
1997 De l’Image Aux Sens (synesthesia) - Centre Culturel Saint Michel. Paris, Fr.
1997 De l’Image Aux Sens (synesthesia) - Duplex Communication Art Space. Paris Fr.
2024 Floribunda - Curated by Judy Rogers, Lost Eden Creative Gallery. Dwellingup WA.
2023 BBA collective exhibition. Belin Germany.
2021 Monash Gallery of Art. Melbourne Victoria.
2021 Anima vs Animus, Gallery 25, ECU - Curator and exhibiting artist Christophe Canato, exhibition includes Nathan Beard, Theo Costantino, Janet Carter and Ryan Nazzari. Mount Lawley WA.
2021 He/She/They, Bunbury Biennale of Art, curated by Caroline Lunel - Bunbury Regional Art Galleries. Bunbury WA.
2020 National Portrait Prize, National Portrait Gallery of Canberra ACT.
2019 Bunbury Biennale of Art (confirmed) - Bunbury Regional Art Galleries. Bunbury WA.
2019 Midwest Art Prize - Geraldton Regional Art Gallery. Geraldton WA.
2018 Galvanise - Artsource members exhibition, Old Customs House. Fremantle WA.
2018 Collective States - Curated by Paola Anselmi, Art Collective WA Art Gallery. Perth WA.
2018 Cet Etrange Objet du Réel - Curated by Frédéric Guinot, Espace Valles. Grenoble Fr.
2018 Treasured - City of Wanneroo Art Gallery. Wanneroo WA.
2018 Community Art Awards and Exhibitions - City of Wanneroo. Wanneroo WA.
2017 Joondalup Invitation Arts Award - City of Joondalup. Joondalup WA.
2017 Bunbury Biennale of Art - Bunbury Regional Art Galleries. Bunbury WA.
2017 Midwest Art Prize - Geraldton Regional Art Gallery. Geraldton WA.
2016 Print Award - Fremantle Arts Centre. Fremantle WA.
2016 Busselton Art Award - Art Geo Cultural Complex. Busselton WA.
2016 Mandorla Award - Linton & Kay gallery. Perth WA.
2015 Quiet Moments - Curated by Susan Hill, Fremantle Art Centre. Perth WA.
2014 Collective - Perth Centre for Photography, Perth WA.
2014 Intimacies - Curated by participating artists Christine Tomas and Christophe Canato, Vancouvert Art Gallery with Art on the Move. Albany WA.
2014 Intimacies - Curated by participating artists Christine Tomas and Christophe Canato, Mandurah Art Gallery with Art on the Move. Mandurah WA.
2013 Ricochet - Voies Off Festival International Category. Arles Fr.
2013 Intimacies - Curated by participating artists Christine Tomas and Christophe Canato, Wall Flower Photomedia Gallery. Mildura NSW.
2012 Station of the Cross - Curated by Catherine Czerw, Annual Exhibition of Western Australian Artists. Perth WA.
2012 Photobook and Art/Text/Clearinghouse Shows - Perth Centre for Photography. Perth WA.
2012 Collective - Perth Centre for Photography. Perth WA.
2011 Artists for Peace - Curated by Pauline Williams, Moores Building. Fremantle WA.
2011 Infest - Curated by Thelma John, Gallery Central. Perth WA.
2009 7èm Festival International de la Photographie de Mode. Cannes Fr.
2006 Fotofreo Fringe. Perth WA.
2003 Carnet de Voyage - Art Space, LVMH (Louis Vuitton). Paris Fr.
2001 Made in Mode - Courant d’art. Deauville Fr.
2000 Guest of Honour, invitation to exhibit. Jeune Création 50th anniversary. Paris Fr.
2000 Bourse du Talent #11, Paris Fr.
2000 Portraits d’Artistes (7 Selected Artists) - On the initiative of Business & Decision.Paris Fr.
1998 lecture - Gallerie 2A. Lille Fr.
1997 Jeune Création, Art Fair. Paris Fr.
1997 De L’Image aux sens (synesthesia) - Gallerie de Toutes Les Couleurs. Paris Fr.
1989 Moi & Lui, Boites & plis - 5 years work retrospective, Beaux-Art. Grenoble Fr.
2022 Winner City of Armadale Art Award, Minnawarra Art Awards. Armadale WA.
2021 Acquisitive Award Winner, Bunbury Biennale. Bunbury WA.
2019 Winner Gerry Gauntlett Award. Minawarra Art Award, City of Armadale, WA.
2018 Winner Community Art Awards and Exhibitions, City of Wanneroo. Wanneroo WA.
2015 Judges Commendation for the artwork titled " self portraits, Inspired by Patricia Puccinini", City of Joondalup Invitation Art Award. Joondalup WA.
2014 Winner popular choice, City of Joondalup 2014 Community Invitation Art Award, WA.
2012 Honorable mention, IPA award. USA.
2010 Winner Photographic Prize, Bassendean Art Award, Bassendean WA.
2005 Winner Prize, Town of Vincent Art Award, Perth WA.
2000 Second Prize, Business & Decision, Paris Fr.
1997 Winner Prize, Jeune Création, Paris Fr.
2023 Commissioned - City of Perth LGBTQIA+ art/photography Project. Perth, WA.
2023 Finalist - BBA Artists Prize, Berlin Germany.
2023 Finalist - Rockingham Art Award. Rockingham WA.
2023 Finalist - Iris Award, Perth Centre for Photography. Perth WA.
2021 Finalist - Bowness Photography Prize, Monash Gallery of Art, Vic.
2021 Grant - Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural and the ArtsIndustries. Creative Development Projects: Curating Anima Vs. Animus collective exhibition at Gallery25 ECU , Perth WA.
2021 Finalist - Midwest Art Prize. Geraldton WA.
2021 Finalist - Invitation Art Prize. Joondalup WA.
2020 Finalist - Botanic Art Prize, York WA.
2020 Finalist - National Portrait Prize, National Portrait Gallery of Canberra ACT.
2020 Grant - Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries. Creative Development Projects: Mentoring 6 mentees in the pandemic context, Perth WA.
2020 Finalist - MANDORLA art award, WA.
2019 Finalist - Community Art Awards and Exhibitions. Wanneroo WA.
2019 Finalist - Midwest Art Prize. Geralton WA.
2017 Grant - Creative Development Projects, Department Culture and the Arts, Perth WA.
2017 Commissioned - City of Vincent Lightbox Laneway Gallery, Mount Lawley WA.
2017 Residency - Central Tafe. Perth WA
2016 Finalist - Busselton Art Award, ArtGeo Cultural Complex, Busselton WA.
2015 Grant - Arts Development, Department Culture and the Arts, Perth WA.
2015 Commissioned - Pandora’s Box, City of Joondalup’s Inside-Out Billboard for Display, City of Joondalup Commission, WA.
2012 & 2016 Finalist - Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, WA.
2016 Finalist - MANDORLA art award, WA.
2015 Finalist - Kennedy Prize Art Award 2015, Adelaide SA.
2015 Finalist - Midwest Art Prize. Geraldton WA.
2010 & 2013 Finalist - Sir Charles Gardener Bienale Award. Perth WA.
2009 & 2012 Finalist - City of Joondalup Invitation Art Award. Joondalup WA.
2011 Finalist - MANDORLA art award. WA.
2009 Finalist - City of South Perth Emerging Arts Awards. South Perth WA.
2007 Finalist - Minnawarra Art Exhibition. Minnawarra WA.
2005 & 2007 Finalist - Iris Award. Perth WA.
2000 Finalist - Bourse du Talent #11, Paris Fr.
City of Perth Cultural Collection, Perth WA.
Artbank, Australian Federal Government Collection, AU.
St John of God Art Collection, Perth WA.
Bunbury Art collection, Bunbury WA.
Joondalup City Council Art Collection, Joondalup WA.
City of Wanneroo Art Collection, Wanneroo WA.
La Sacem, Paris Fr.
Business & Decision, Paris Fr.
2020 Photoworld Chines magazine - 8 pages, Christophe Canato: Principles of Uncertainty, March 2020.
2018 Périphériques N° 86 - Revue culturelle d’information, Trimestrielle - Cet Etrange Objet Du Reel, Jean-Pierre Chambon, Sept 2018.
2016 The Perth Voice n°929, April 23,2016.
2015 Quiet Moments : Poetic Photography, Fremantle Art Centre publication.
2015 Abridge Magazine 0_39 : The Never Never, Issue in conjonction with the 2015 Belfast Photo Festival, Northern Ireland.
2014 Ricochet At Anna Pappas Gallery, Art Collector issue 68.
2013 Cultural Development Consulting, Our Fear And Strengths Are Born In Childhood Play, Christophe Canato Featured Artist by Alasdair Foster.
2009 Apocalypse now and again. Article written by Ric Spenser. The West Australian, Friday April 24.
2009 Hunting Trophies Vol1. Interviewed by Claire Krouzecky, X Press, issue 1158, 23.04.09 & issue1156, 09-04-09.
2006 At a Glance, Artrage Festival. Drum Media, issue 006, Oct 26.
2005/06 French Vision of Perth. written by Nayanda Smith, Insite 7 summer edition.
2021 invited mentor/artist to run Mentorship Prize as part of the Belmont Art Awards.
2020 Running mentoring program in collaboration with Artsource, to support six mid-career artists over a three months period.
2015 - 2019 Committee Member, Art On The Move, Perth WA.